Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Identifying wild plants in your backyard

Identifying wild plants in your backyard

Susun shows us plants we can find in our backyards, such as oxalis, echinacea, motherwort, yellow dock, wild carrot. Oxalis aka wood sorrel, which looks like clover. It is rich in vitamin c and is great to eat in salads.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dog with itchy skin

Dog with itchy skin

A caller says his moms dog is having problems with itching, they've gone to the vet, and ruled out some things. The vet gave them anti-biotics and steroids. He wants to know what else they can do for the dog. Susun says ruling out fleas and things that touch the dog causing the itching is a good start. She suggests plaintain oil, which is safe for the dog if it licks it off.
This audio is almost 6 minutes long.

Join Susun Weed on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call or Skype in: 1-646-929-2463, with your questions or email ahead of time to 
Visit the link for more info:

Thursday, June 21, 2018



A caller talks about her gum inflammation and then about the honey in slippery elm balls possibly causing her gum issues. She takes slippery elm balls every day for indigestion. Susun tells her she can drink slippery elm as a tea, and then goes on to ask more about the callers acid indigestion. The caller talks about her diet. Susun gives her ideas for changing her food choices.
This audio is 14 minutes long

Join Susun Weed on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call or Skype in: 1-646-929-2463, with your questions or email ahead of time to 
Visit the link for more info:

Monday, June 18, 2018



Susun and Monica Jean make a ragweed (ambrosia artemisifolia) tincture to help counter the effects of pollen allergies..

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Common Ouches - part 1

Common Ouches - part 1

Join Susun as she discusses remedies for common "ouches", and some things not to use, on her Time Monk Radio show.
This audio is over 17 minutes in length.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018



To relieve allergies and asthma, 2-4 cups of mullein infusion every day for 6-8 weeks is amazingly effective.

To brew mullein infusion, I fill a quart canning jar about half full of cut and crushed mullein leaf and stalk pieces. (If using commercial herb, I use one ounce by weight.) I fill the jar to the top with boiling water, cap tightly, and let it sit at room temperature for four hours, or overnight.

Mullein leaves are fuzzy, and mullein infusion can be too. To protect my throat, I always strain my mullein infusion through tightly-woven cloth (like a handkerchief) before drinking. The dose of mullein infusion is 1-4 cups a day.

Mullein infusion will last for 5-6 days refrigerated. It brews up to a dark brown liquid with a smoky flavor that I find quite appealing, especially with milk and honey.

See more about Mullein here: