Thursday, October 26, 2017

St. Johns wort tincture

St. Johns wort tincture

An Email question is read on blogtalkradio. The emailer asks, why is st. johns wort tincture made with dried herb dangerous?
Susun talks about photo sensitivity, digestive upsets and why dried herbs aren't good for tinctures.

Blogtalk Join Susun Weed on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call or Skype in: 1-646-929-2463, with your questions or email ahead of time to 
Visit the link for more info:

Monday, October 23, 2017

Fruits of the Autumn

Fruits of the Autumn with Susun Weed

Susun shows us fruits that are still growing wild in Autumn in the Catskills. We see wild grapes, and rosehips, which are high in vitamin c.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Saponaria - Wild plants with Susun Weed

Susun continues her weed walk and shows us saponaria, (aka soapwort) which is a soap plant, and talks about its uses.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Rash & pimples

Rash & pimples

A caller on blogtalkradio says she has a rash on her forehead with pimples. She talks about using witch hazel and yarrow. Susun asks if it helps and gives her more ideas.

Blogtalk Join Susun Weed on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call or Skype in: 1-646-929-2463, with your questions or email ahead of time to 
Visit the link for more info:

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Fungal Rash

Fungal rash

Caller has a rash, has used yarrow tincture and other things. She says she thinks it's fungal. Susun asks some questions about what she's done. They talk about mushrooms and plaintain as well.

Join Susun Weed on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call or Skype in: 1-646-929-2463, with your questions or email ahead of time to 
Visit the link for more info: