Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Portal to the Self: A Women's Circle by the Sea

Portal to the Self:
A Women's Circle by the Sea
March 14 - 21, 2015


We invite women to gather for retreat and replenishment on Isla Mujeres, an island in the tranquil turquoise waters of the Mexican Caribbean. 
This island is sacred to Ixchel, the Mayan Moon Goddess and historically a place for healing rituals among the Mayan people.  We will create a circle of abundance, compassion and support as we weave together our stories and wisdom. 
By honoring Ixchel’s tradition, we become midwives of our dreams and visions. Storytelling, yoga, journaling, poetry, guided imagery, and more will serve as forms to access the blessings and beauty that flow in each of us. Participants will stay at Na Balam, an intimate, boutique hotel on the beach where landscaped trails, tropical gardens and the beauty of the ocean will provide a perfect abode for the retreat. Yoga and ceremony at ancient Mayan temple.
For more information, visit www.islawomensretreat.com; email info@islawomensretreat.com;  or call 440 779-6727

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Elderberry tincture

Cold season is upon us. Don't forget the Elderberry tincture!

Thursday, October 9, 2014


8 great ways to eat Garlic Short and sweet and quick to eat.

1.   Garlic Toast: Mince a garlic clove. Toast a piece of whole wheat bread. Butter it. Add the minced garlic. Eat.


2.   Garlic Dip: Mix 1-3 teaspoons of granulated or powdered garlic and ¼ teaspoon salt into ½ cup yogurt and ½ cup cream cheese. Spread on crackers or use as a dip with chips.

3.   Garlic Greens: Cook a pot of greens for at least one hour. While the greens are still hot, add 2-6 cloves thinly-sliced or minced garlic, 2 tablespoons olive oil, and 1 tablespoon tamari or miso. Eat hot or cold.

4.   Garlic Honey: Put unpeeled (Important! Leave peels on!) fresh garlic cloves in a small jar. Cover completely with honey. Lid and label. Ready to use in 24 hours.

5.   Garlic Vinegar: Fill a jar with your choice of whole or cut fresh garlic or garlic scapes or flowers. Fill jar to the top with apple cider vinegar. Use a non-metal lid; plastic, glass, rubber, cork are fine. Ready to use in 7 days.

6.   Forever Garlic Vinegar: As above, but pasteurize the vinegar first by boiling it briefly in a non-metal pot, then cooling completely before pouring over garlic. This vinegar will stay good for up to five years, as opposed to the previous vinegar, which is good for no more than 6 months.

7.   Garlic Oil: Mince fresh garlic and add to a small jar of extra virgin olive oil. Lid and label. Ready to use in 24 hours Do not use in food after a month, but okay to use as an antifungal on your feet or other places if it gets too old.

8.   Garlic Tonic: Mix together equal parts garlic honey and garlic vinegar. Put in a dropper bottle and take by the dropperful, as needed, to prevent or treat colds/flu.

Get more great heart healthy advice:


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Red clover infusion

Susun Weed makes red clover nourishing herbal infusion. Red clover blossom infusion is one of the world's best remedies for infertility. It is highly regarded as an anti-cancer remedy. It is considered safe for consumption by pregnant and lactating women. The high vitamin content of red clover blossoms, combined with the folic acid in the leaves is especially helpful to sperm and egg production and helps prevent birth defects. Red clover's high mineral and trace mineral content helps restore and maintain good production of hormones. Its profuse and exceedingly absorbable calcium and magnesium help rejuvenate and repair the delicate tissues of reproduction.

Herbal Medicine is People's Medicine, please visit http://www.wisewomanmentor.com.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mullien Harvest

Courtesy of http://www.herbshealing.com.

Mullein is known as the "Lung of the Earth". Mullein strengthen lungs, heals earaches, and eases pain.

Herbal Medicine is People's Medicine please visit http://www.wisewomanmentor.com.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Free Teleseminar tomorrow, 6/5/2014

Free Teleseminar tomorrow, 6/5/2014, at 9:30pm EDT. Creative Autobiography: Telling Your Story, with Sara Deutsch and Susun.
Stimulate your memory and learn whole brain writing techniques such as freeflow writing, mind mapping, and nonpreferred hand
writing and drawing that make writing natural and fun. Find out how to send your inner critic on vacation and reach deeper levels
of creativity while working with your own personal fairy tails and myths to discover your life's purpose.
Sara teaches this course at Wise Woman University. Those who register for this free Teleseminar will receive a coupon code to
register for her course.
 Join us, click to register: http://wisewomanweb.com/teleseminar-June-5-2014-signup.html

Friday, May 2, 2014

Priestess Training with Dr. Z Budapest - May 16-18, 2014

This month at the Wise Woman Center:Priestess Training with Dr. Z Budapest - May 16-18, 2014

A priceless chance to study intimately with the grandmother of the Women’s Spirituality Movement and a third generation Dianic witch.

Working through your own ancestral Goddess Archetype, you will delve deeply into z budapestcreation magic, crafting both personal and collective spells, with Z’s expert guidance.
Z will lead you into a shamanic trance to connect with your Ancient ancestors and the Goddesses they loved. She will then teach us a simple ritual of connecting to the wisdom and energy of our direct ancestors. (Come prepared with the names of the women in your line.) We will end the day with a magnificent ritual.
Chanting, dreaming, envisioning, feasting, libations, blessings, singing, and dancing are all on the program. High Magic Ritual Saturday night, too, and lots of green magic all day and all night.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Free Teleseminar with Susun Weed & Z Budapest

Listen to a Free Teleseminar with Susun Weed!
on March 27, 2014, 9:00pm EDT

Join Susun Weed & Z Budapest
for What is Remembered Lives, a Free Teleseminar

Sister souls, it's time to revisit the very old Tree of life.
It is time to thaw our minds from the rigid modern mode and allow the sacred intuitive Spring to push through into our daily conciousness. We had not paid attention to the ancient blood connections, except the most immediate ones. Let us drape ourselves into the snow white garments of the renewal of our souls. Humbly move into the temple, rediscover the sacred soul presence and educate ourselves where we come from.


Blogtalk Join Susun Weed on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Call in with your questions or email ahead of time to wisewoman@herbshealing.com. 
Visit the link for more info:

If you're ready to go deeper with your herbal studies, join Susun on her new Mentorship website. Get new content weekly such as the expanded herbal ezine, replays of teleseminars, videos, audio of Susuns past lectures, many articles by Susun, and even personal one on one mentorship from Susun.


Friday, February 28, 2014

Whole Earth Summit March 11-3, 2014

March 11-13, 2014 join us for the free online Whole Earth Summit. We are gathering with 42 extraordinary visionaries to share valuable insights around food, water, the commons, ecological activism and design, social transformation, collective vision, and practical models for making a difference. Our goal is to support people like you to become even more effective at creating regenerative communities and a more resilient world. Ihope you will join us on March 11-13, 2014.   
What is your vision for a resilient world? How are you creating it now? 
Whole Earth Summit: March 11-13, 2014.
If you haven’t done so yet, click here to register for free. It’s best to do this now so you can see the schedule and mark the sessions you’d like to attend. Registering also gives you access to 48-hour free replays because we wouldn’t want you to miss anything.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Rent Tent Summit

The Red Tents In Every Neighborhood World Summit  -

Red_TentAn inspiring and empowering Online event for women, which will start on February 1st,
and continue for the entire month of February,
which is dedicated to the Celtic Goddess Brigid.


Listen to your own unique womb,
and to womb-voices of wise women on the cutting edge of a New Consciousness Paradigm,
weaving together DeAnna’s vision of A Red Tent In Every Neighborhood!

The Red Tent Summit is a tapestry of women's Womb-Wisdom, of which I am honored to be one!

We are committed to inspiring you with words, images & gifts:

You will receive a DAILY link to an inspiring short VIDEO that is sure to touch you to your depth...

When you sign up, you will immediately receive DeAnna’s gift: the Red Tent Activation audio recording,
and each Video Presenter, including me, will offer you a special gift from her Treasure Box of womb wisdom!

This World Summit runs February 1st – February 28
and you need to Sign Up Now to reserve your spot!

Here is how:

~ Click HERE to Sign Up:


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Womens Health Symposium!

Womens Health Symposium! Jan. 18, 2014, 10am-5p, META Center, 214 W 29th St # 16, New York, NY
Join four outstanding international professional woman expound on how to live healthier!
Suzy Meszoly, Annelie Whitfield, Susan Willson, Susun ...Weed. Come learn with us about Herbs, Nutrition, Thermography, Natural bio-identical hormones, Energy Healing, Homeopathy, Detoxification, Mineralization, Rejuvenation and More and become empowered in your health care!